
December 26, 2010

Saturday : Day 25

Christmas Day. The boys tried getting up at 4:00 AM and Chris made them go back to bed. They hung out in Jack's room until 5:30 when they started getting antsy again. At 5:45 I got up and told them to give me 15 minutes to make coffee and then I would call them down. I made coffee, got the camera ready, and the trash bag for paper and then called them down. They were very excited. Both boys got the Oregon Ducks jerseys and phiten necklaces that they wanted. They also got gift cards to NikeTown becasue they both really wanted shoes. Also got some t-shirts from Aeropostale, some toe socks they wanted, bracelets, Cupong games, and their own TV for the basement. Chris and I each got each other a coat which we both have to take back becasue we got the wrong sizes. After opening gifts, we made our usual Egg Bake from Jean and Opa and Oma came over to eat with us. We spent the day hanging out, trying out new toys and games and just being together. That is my most favorite part of the day!

Friday : Day 24

Christmas Eve. I made a quick grocery run this morning to get a couple things for our Christmas Day meals. Jen, Ty and kids came over earlier this year, around noon, so we had more time together. We spent the afternoon playing some games, Whonu, of course, and Scattergories was another big favorite. Mom made her homemade Chicken and Noodles AND her homemade Beef and Noodles. The Chicken and Noodles is my favorite and they were better than ever! The kids were all so excited about Christmas. Our White Elephant gift exchange was super fun, as usual. I ended up with a puzzle, but then Jack traded me for his Taylor Swift CD. We got home around 9:00 and got the boys to bed (Cody simply went to bed; Jack was more work, as usual, but he was SO excited for the next morning that he had a hard time; he was tired though and fell asleep pretty quickly), laid out cookies for Santa, and Chris and I put stuff in the stockings. Then to bed by 10:30.

Thursday : Day 23

Ah, just one day until Christmas Eve. Because I still hadn't made cookies ye, I spent the morning straightening the house and running an errand for household supplies, then made Ginger Cookies. I found this recipe last year and they were really good. It was more fun this year becasue Chris helped me. Finished wrapping presents for the boys at Oma and Opa's house.

December 23, 2010

Wednesday : Day 22

Boys cleaned up house a little with Chris. I ran a couple errands for last minute things and a trip to the grocery store. Yummy batch of chili for dinner. Ran out after dinner to find my white elephant gift.

December 22, 2010

Tuesday : Day 21

With NO snow yet this year, and none in the forecast, we decided to head up to Estes Park for the day. A half hour later and we were in another world. It stared lightly snowing as we got closer to town and it snowed light fluffy flakes consistently the entire thime we were there. Of course, our first stop was lunch at Ed's Cantina. Then a stroll along the river and some time for photos in the park. The scene was lovely witht he river, the trees, the snow, and our family. We walked back down main street and ducked into several stores. The boys each spent their Crhistmas money from Great Grandma Lois- Cody bought a small Buddha statued and Jack bought a statue of the Three Monkeys. A very fun day.

December 20, 2010

Monday : Day 20

Mom and Jack went out so that Jack could get a gift for Cody and some stocking stuffers for Dad. Dad and Cody went out for stocking stuffers for Mom. Then Jack went to Lucas' house for a little Christmas party with Skylar. Mom and Cody went to get something for Dad and Ollie. Ollie's collar broke and we also got her a new collar. Her old collar is the one we bought when we got her, so it was a little sad. Cody insisted on a pink collar. The moon was SO very bright tonight. Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice.

December 19, 2010

Sunday : Day 19

Mom and Cody went shopping for Jack at Target while Jack and Dad watched football. Jack did not want to leave the house because Tim Tebow was going to start for the Broncos and he didn't want to miss it. When we got home, the boys played football with Dad in the park. Jack made a hideout in his closet Saturday and he is sleeping in it tonight.

December 18, 2010

Saturday : Day 18

Cleaned up the house a little. Chris took his plow back to the shop and broguht back the boys' gift from Gramma and Grampa Wathen- an air hockey table. The only thing they asked for. Spent the afternnon putting it together and playing. Going to be lots of fun. Cody went to Kids Nite Out with Zach. Mom and Dad took Jack to Old Chicago and then to Target to get his white elephant gift. Really nice to have one on one time with Jack. Jack and Mom had an air hockey tournament and played 6 games and tied them all. Sudden Death. Jack won 4 out of 6 matches. Watched 17 Again.

December 17, 2010

Friday : Day 17

Chris and I had to go finish up the boys today since today is their last day of school. Had lunch at Wahoo's. Watched Deck The Halls.

December 16, 2010

Thursday : Day 16

Chris and I had plans to finish up shopping for boys today but as we were leaving the house, Cody's schhol called saying he was sick. Chris picked him up. He was very pale when he came home, layed on the couch for half an hour, then took some advil for a bad headache, and half an hour later was eating a full lunch. By dinner time he was back to his old self and full of energy. Hung around the house today with Cody.

December 15, 2010

Wednesday : Day 15

I shopped for Chris today. Worked on my December Daily.

December 14, 2010

Tuesday : Day 14

Chris and I went out to get a couple things for the boys then I ran some errands alone while Chris watered our trees and shrubs (SO dry this year). We listed 5 bags of GeoTrax on Craigs List and a very nice woman came to pick them up tonight. Turns out she lives only 1 mile from us and her son is in preschool at Alpine. She was very excited and we are very grateful that they found a home. I hope her son loves the trains as much as Jack did. Enjoyed our annual watching of Elf tonight. So funny.

December 13, 2010

Monday : Day 13

Did a little shopping, paper and tape. Worked on my Dec Daily which I am enjoying but don't seem to have as much time for this year. Jack has basketball practice. Cody went shopping with Oma to help her pick out something for Savannah.

Sunday : Day 12

I did a little grocery shopping today- just the essentials because I don't grocery shop on the weekends unless we need something. Which means the big list will have to wait until Monday when everyone is back to work and kids are in school. Had a BAD headache and tried to take a nap but Cody was bugging me to take them ice skating so we all headed to the rink. Only the boys ended up skating. Chris and I will skate with them next week when they are on Christmas Break. Hung up the snowflakes that Jack and I made.

December 12, 2010

Saturday : Day 11

Pickup up Jack from sleepover. Super windy and COLD today. Target for lightbulbs and gift for Brandon. Cody and Chris spent the morning in Loveland. We skipped lunch and headed to an early dinner out at 3:30. Parade at 5:00. Chilly. Fun. Home to watch Narnia.

December 10, 2010

Friday : Day 10

Mom: Shop (do you see a pattern here)
Dad: Cleanup yard and garage
Jack: Birthday/Sleepover after school
Cody: Ice skating with Matt
Dinner: Homemade Tostadas
Movie: Killers (PG13 since Jack was gone)

December 9, 2010

Thursday : Day 9

Boys were invited to Savannah's Christmas Program at school tonight so while they went off with Opa and Oma, Chris and I enjoyed a quiet dinner at Chipotle. When the boys got home Cody headed off to bed but as usual JAck was wide awake and gearing up for the evening. Jack wanted to make something SO bad. I know the feeling Jackie B. He ended up drawing these awesome stars. Each one more elaborate than the last. It really does make me so hapy and excited to see the boys enjoy making something on their own with just their imagination and some simple supplies.

December 8, 2010

Wednesday : Day 8

Chris and I did some more shopping today. Very close to being finished. We did shopping for Chris' family today so we can get that package sent to Iowa. Need to make some cookies to send with the gifts. Jack had basketball tonight and we worked out a carpool tonight is our night off. Cody made some beaded ornaments. He found one when we decorated the tree that he had made at Discovery Montessori and figured out how to make it just by looking at it. He relly enjoys figuring out how things work or how things are made and is great at paying attention to the details. Love seeing the boys do anything creative or crafty. I am so happy they enjoy making art.

December 7, 2010

Tuesday : Day 7

Jack is home today with his rash. He is very itchy and it is all over his face so he got to stay home. He and Chris decided to go off and do a little shopping on thier own. I had a couple places to go myself. Went to get a new pair of Dansko's. LOVE.

Monday : Day 6

Poor Jack woke up with a rash this morning. He has had a rough autumn with back to back colds ending in the sinus and ear infection that he had over Thanksgiving. This is day 8 of his antibiotics and he woke up with a rash this morning. He has missed so many days of school this year and didn't have a fever so I was a bad Mom and sent him to school. Chris and I have a goal to finish our shopping by this next weekend so we headed to Loveland today to make a big dent in our shopping. Keeping it simple. SO thankful that we are able to shop during the week and do not have to go out on the weekends. On our way home- school calls- Jack needs to go home and can't return until he has a diagnosis. Scramble to get him in to Dr still today. Apparantly the rash is common after other illnesses so he is cleared for school tomorrow. Also gets his flu shot. He feels fine so I took him from Dr to his first night of basketball practice. After practice the boys really wanted to go to see if the new Freddy's was open so we went to check it out. Turns out the next day is their opening but they were training and we got to eat for free.

December 5, 2010

Sunday : Day 5

Mom: Grocery Store
Boys: Chiefs Game
Afternoon: Relaxing
Evening: Tree Decorating

December 4, 2010

Saturday : Day 4

Chris took the boys ice skating this morning while I did a little shopping on my own. We are so lucky to have a great ice rink here in town. The boys got skates for Christmas last year from Opa and Oma- they really enjoy having a fun December activity. I still haven't been but maybe if the weather stays mild I will get out this year. When I got home the guys were all watching the Ducks game and screaming and yelling and having a grand time. Cody and Jack went with Opa & Oma to watch the parade in Boulder while Chris and I went to Borders to get a gift and Kohl's to get Jack some new Levis.

December 3, 2010

Friday : Day 3

Friday... Yeah... Chris and I did some shopping today while the boys were in school. I did a little decorating around the house while Chris finished up with the lights outside. The mild weather we have been having has made the putting up of lights much more enjoyable for him this year. He just kept adding to it. It looks great and now we can enjoy it for the rest of the month. We rented Disney's "A Christmas Carol" and watched that this evening. Jack made it about 3/4 of the way through and then went up to his room. It was a little hard to follow (difficult to hear what the ghosts of Christmas were saying), especially for the boys who aren't as familiar with the story.

December 2, 2010

Thursday : Day 2

Jack had a presentation at school today on adaptation. I went to watch him present his project on Border Collies. So great to get to watch him and his group present their projects after all their hard work. Great job Buddy! And Cody came home from school today very enthusiastic about Christmas decorating. He brought up the tree and garlands and got busy setting everything up just right. Sometimes I have a hard time letting someone else do it, but I was so excited to see him take such initiative and just go for it. He was so happy to be doing the decorating... and I let him. And it's perfect. It would have taken me much longer and I probably would have been crazed with getting it just so. And where is the fun in that. Lesson learned from a smart 12 year old.

December 1, 2010

Wednesday : Day 1

December First is here... We love December and all the traditions that our family celebrates from year to year as well as new ones we add. One of our favorite, and the one tht kicks off the month, is the advent calendar. It begins a few days before December first when one or both of the boys asks about the advent calendar. It is always the first thing we bring up from storage and usually results in bringing up all of the decorations. This year it was Jack who asked about it first. Today was a late start school day for the boys, so we brought it up this morning. Of course the hard part for me is filling the tiny little cubbies. I am usually more prepared, but this year I had to shop for little treats so that it was ready when the boys get home from school. Let the fun begin.


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